Can we reverse the Climate Change?

What if there is a blue print to help reverse global climate change? What can we do in our day to day life to help reduce carbon emissions? While these questions may prove to be at the scale of solving world hunger, Paul Hawken and team had taken a shot at answering these questions. By assembling a team of scholars and by looking not just at technology but all aspects of our life, Paul’s team had assembled a total of 100 ideas in their book “Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Proposed to Reverse Global Warming”.

80 actions, under the tile “Solutions” and 20 game changers under the title of ‘Coming Attractions” are from multiple fields. They include not just technological changes – for example they measure the impact of GHG reduction by enhancing girls education worldwide.

Proof of the pudding is in the eating and the power of the idea is in the impact it can create. And to this point, each and every idea in the book comes with four important metrics: magnitude of reduction in greenhouse gases, cost to implement the solution, savings that can be obtained over 30 year period compared to the current norm and a rank order for the idea’s ability to bring GHG down.

Based on the estimation by the team, implementation of 80 actions will lead to a reduction of GHG in the order of Terratons. Solution provided are mostly of the no regrets type, where there is no negative side effect – there are a few with questionable side effects like nuclear power. So if you want to be inspired by what we all can do together to reverse the climate change, it is worth your time to read this.

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